Has a loved one passed away and you need help getting the assets?
We have attorneys ready to delicately handle your most sensitive matters!
The Process
The process begins with someone, usually a relative or someone designated in a will, filing a petition with the probate court. This is a specialized court that deals with the property and debts of a person who has died. The basic role of the judge is to assure that the deceased person’s creditors are paid, and that any remaining assets are distributed to the proper beneficiaries. The court will also appoint a personal representative to represent the estate.
The Assets
Probate assets are those assets that were owned in the deceased’s sole name at death, or that were owned by the deceased and one or more co-owners and lacked the proper provision for automatic succession of ownership at death, e.g. financial accounts, life insurance policies, real estate, etc.
Probate is Public
Probate makes the deceased person’s financial situation a matter of public record.
The Lawyers
A qualified attorney like our firm attorney’s can help you go through the process, deal with problems that may arise, and ease your stress. A qualified estate planning attorney can help you to either avoid probate or minimize the amount of property subject to probate.
Probate FAQS – Click Here
Anderson and Associates, P.A.
225 N. French Avenue
Sanford, FL 32771
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Phone: (407) 843-9901
Fax: (407) 843-9903