
Has a loved one passed away and you need help getting the assets?

We have attorneys ready to delicately handle your most sensitive matters!

The Process

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The process begins with someone, usually a relative or someone designated in a will, filing a petition with the probate court. This is a specialized court that deals with the property and debts of a person who has died. The basic role of the judge is to assure that the deceased person’s creditors are paid, and that any remaining assets are distrib­uted to the proper beneficiaries. The court will also appoint a personal representative to represent the estate.

The Assets

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Probate assets are those assets that were owned in the deceased’s sole name at death, or that were owned by the deceased and one or more co-owners and lacked the proper provision for automatic succession of ownership at death, e.g. financial accounts, life insurance policies, real estate, etc.

Probate is Public

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Probate makes the deceased person’s financial situation a matter of public record.

The Lawyers

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A qualified attorney like our firm attorney’s can help you go through the process, deal with problems that may arise, and ease your stress. A qualified estate planning attorney can help you to either avoid probate or minimize the amount of property subject to probate.

Probate FAQS – Click Here


Anderson and  Associates, P.A.
225 N. French Avenue
Sanford, FL 32771

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Phone: (407) 843-9901
Fax: (407) 843-9903